Don’t leave to chance what you have the power to change.

Small changes can make a big impact.

How healthy or sick you feel is often more about your daily choices than your genetics. High Five Health Coaching and Education offers tools and support for people who are ready to take charge of their health and improve their cognitive and overall well-being for the long run.

This site will be regularly updated and all new content will be available in both American Sign Language (ASL) and English.



Vector showing four people of different races in four different video conference screens.

Learn solo, or with others:
All on your own time.



Vector of one person with short black curly hair holding a blue watering can and looking over at a brain that is sprouting plants, indicating growth and learning.

Your One-Stop Shop for all
things brain health.


Vector of two people of different races exchanging high fives with one of them coming out of a computer screen and the other is seated at a desk.

Virtual health & wellness coaching:
One-on-one, with your crew,
or for your employees’ benefit.


Vector of an older mother and middle aged daughter embracing, with greenery in the background.

Who’s the Coach behind
High Five Health and why
does she care so much
about brain health?

Enter your email to get the free Brain Health Inventory. This form helps you keep track of your brain health every week and make the most of your cognitive health all year long!

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will not share your email.